The Exam Seat Allocation Rules Settings screen allows you to configure rules for exam seating allocations.
The fields on the Exam Seat Allocation Rules Settings screen are described in the following table.
This field |
Holds this information... |
Default flow direction |
The way that candidates are allocated seats. Select from the following:
Default number orientation |
The direction in which seats are filled from the starting position specified in the room
layout seating arrangement. |
Exam gapping |
A setting that can be used to create a gap between cohorts of candidates sitting different exams within
one room.
Select whether to start seating on the next line of seats, or to leave a gap of a specified number of seats.
This setting should only be set to a non-zero value when it is applied in combination with candidate
ordering rules that have Sitting as one of the higher-order columns used to seat candidates, otherwise
a large number of empty seats can result.
Candidate ordering |
The rules that are used to order the candidates for seating. The list is ranked by priority.
Select whether each column should be in ascending or descending order from the drop-down menu in the Direction column.
Use the Move up and Move down buttons at the top of the screen to re-order the list, and the Add order and Delete order buttons to add or remove the selected order.
Click the Re-allocate button to apply changes.